
Showing posts from February, 2014

Halfway Gemini by Liquid Lacquer

So, I think I got the last order slipped right in before Liquid Lacquer disappeared. I am hoping she reappears and most of all that she is ok!! She has really great ideas for polishes and I would love to see that brain in business again. Us girls in the polish community are very concerned about her and wishing her well words and love. So on to the polish.... This is Halfway Gemini and it is a dark blue jelly with pink and rose gold circle glitters and silver dust scattered. I think my glitters are more of a violet and pink, but I like it more that way!! The jelly is extremely sheer and I highly recommend a base color when using this polish. Liquid Lacquer- Halfway Gemini Sinful Colors- Amethyst 

GOT Polish Challenge- ORANGE

Ok... so here it is!! ORANGE. This was sooo hard for me to photograph, because I think my nails look horrible with orange on them. I am doing it though!! I did dots with it, because it makes me feel better. Everything always looks HOTTER with dots!! I ended up having 3 orangish colored polishes. This is probably the least amount of polishes in one color. Most people are lacking in yellow, but since my football team (The Steelers) have yellow in them, I actually have a ton of yellows. Colors Used- Sinful Colors- Citrine Sinful Colors- Sunset Wet n' Wild- Sunny Side Sunny Side was one of my very first polishes that I bought. I remember needing an orange and that is all I could find. As I mentioned, I do not like oranges so I literally only own these 3 with NONE in my untrieds pile. Stay tuned for next week- it's the skittle!! I can't wait for this! I looove doing skittles as it calms my urge to do many designs in one sitting! What is your favorit...

Olympic Medal by Alter Ego Nail Enamel

So I won a fantastic prize from Alter Ego Nail Enamel   a couple weeks ago. I got three polishes from her shop including Olympic Medal. This polish arrived with such great timing since the Olympics were happening. So, now that my regular TV schedule is back I am happy to show you this polish. I am hoping the get the other two that I won, Air Transport Auxiliary Pilot and Salmon Smoker, on shortly to share with you. I have never tried a polish from this shop before so I am kind of excited. Usually I don't like this kind of micro glitter, but I have changed up my base coat routine that it made me love it. How? Well..... The combination that I am using makes NOTHING stick to my nails. It's partly annoying and partly funny. I have had this problem before with some other base coat combos and it makes me angry when I am at work and an entire nail of polish slides right off. Then I have 9 beautifully polished nails and 1 naked nail. haha. For this design, it make clean up suu...

Red Coat Tuesday

For this week, I ended up doing my own take on distressed look. I did a tape mani with Zoya Carmen as my base and then topped it with Devlish by Revlon. Then I added the distress with streaks of My Day striper from Sinful Colors. I really like the way this turned out, A LOT. This was really simple to do and I think it is a great design to go along with Pretty Little Liars. It seems so devious. Don't you think?  If you have not joined my Pretty Little Liars #RedCoatTuesday link up, you really should. It's a fun easy weekly challenge and all you need is red nails.  So.. the rules for this?? 1. Paint your nails red. 2. You can do a design and use other colors, but the main color should be red.  3. Add your manicure by adding the inlinkz code which you can get-  here - to your blog 4. If you don't have a blog, add your picture to this post on my Facebook, tag me and I will add it to my PLL link up board on Pinterest so that I c...

Nail Art for Nubs

So this week is my ode to the USA in the Olympics. I haven't done an Olympics design this entire time and I decided I wanted to save it for last. I recently won a giveaway where I got 3 polishes from Alter Ego Lacquer. One of them being a mix of bronze, silver and gold glitters. It is really really nice. At first, I thought that it was going to dry matte, but it glitzed out. The best part that the name of this polish is Olympic Winner. PERFECT!! Right? I also did a design for 4th of July that I attempted to do a sugar spun design. Well, I attempted again. It is a little abstract, but you can see I did the colors and designish of the flag. See.... Well, I tried! I really enjoyed the winter olympics this year. The best part for me was all the skiing events. It's super cool to also be able to show my kids all the cool sports that are out there and plus another part of the world. Yes,  I know it's via the TV, but it's still neat I enjoyed watching my son watch...

Giveaways From Around the Polish World

I haven't done a list of giveaways in a while, so here it is. We need a little break anyways. My nails, brain and hands are tired.... So if you love to win polish, enter some of these giveaways. The top 4 are the ones that I am currently either hosting or a part of... If you know of a giveaway or are hosting one that you don't see here, be sure to contact me and give me the details and I will totally get it up on my list. In case you didn't know, I have a "master list" that I give my blood, sweat and tears to update as much as possible. You can find that HERE . For the Love of Cash Giveaway Ends: 2/23 Shirley Ann Nail Lacquer 1000 FB likes Giveaway 2/25 ColorMeSoCrazy Make Me Pretty Giveaway Ends: 2/28 MAC Box of Chocolates: Blogger Curated Palette Giveaway Ends: 2/28  Incoco Giveaway from A Little Polish Ends: 2/24 Morning Nailspiration: Literary Lacquers and Other Goodies Giveaway Ends: 2/24 Over the Top Coat 1700 Facebook Followers Ends: 2/...

Beauty Blogazons Weekly Round Up

Beauty Apocalypse : Beauty apocalypse continues their review of 1,000 mascaras. They like no. 11 so much, they are giving it away!  TheFabZilla : Win It! Rodial Glamstick SPF 15 Tinted Lip Butter (Blow)   Lola's Secret Beauty Blog : Maybelline Color Sensational Lip Color in Barely Bronze, Raw Reveal, Nude Embrace and Ravishing Rose (LE) : are they worth hunting down before they disappear?  Glamorable! : Memebox joins the ranks of Korean beauty product sampling services that ship worldwide. Check out pictures and review of the latest box #5-2 .  My Newest Addiction Beauty Blog : Laura shares her favorite palette from Too Faced to get those bedroom eyes!  ColorMeSoCrazy : I am in loooove with my Nail Art for Nubs Skittles !! Check them out! You will love them, too!!  Makeup, Life and Love : On the market for a PORE minimizing primer? See if this drugstore dupe is better than the original in this weeks High vs. Low Beauty...  Nev...

Halloween ISN'T over- well NOT for my Nails!!

Yes... I know. I am faaaaar behind in my untireds box. I have started a new initiative since football is over :( I am going to blow through my untrieds this month. There is sooooo much polish out there that I neeeeed to have, but I promised myself I would not buy new until my untried box is empty. Now this may mean using some polishes that were made for holidays other than what is currently in season. For example, todays polish is a Halloween polish. Yes, I am only 2 months behind. Not bad, but not good. I also think my rotation is out of whack because I know I have polishes in there that are older than that. I have to go through and do a rough re-sort one of these days. Ok! So here is my first untried of the year! This polish is from LynBDesigns Nightmare Begins Collection. It is described as a "fuchsia, raspberry jelly linear holographic jelly polish" on the description . This is a really pretty builder. It took me about 3 coats to get this opacity, but it is a jelly so...

GOT Polish- Chevron

Sorry!! I missed last week, but I am back!! This week we are doing Chevron!! I wanted sooo bad to buy some decals that would make this easier, but I hung on and free handed this... well almost. I used a little striping tape for straight lines, but whew that was difficult! This week, I told you, I declared as skittles week. Chevron skittles were absolutely fun to do!! I am also really glad that I got to use the rest of my Santee winnings from GorJess and LoveLee. I really liked Santee polishes. All of them that I have used have a beautiful finish as well as a great formula. I have not been disappointed by this brand at all. In addition to nail polish, Santee also has a variety of other beauty products. So, if you have not used a Santee before, it's totally worth the peep! Colors Used: Santee- Autumn Santee- Baby Purple Santee- Modern Purple Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this design. As I mentioned above, I don't have any special tape or anything so I used 2 strips ...

Pretty and Polished- Periwinkle Twinkle

Yes!!! My first P & P! I got this in an awesome grab bag and I am loving it. I think I have told you think before, but every once and a while I find a really great one from a great seller. This was one of them. This polish has been sitting in my untireds (like almost all of the recently) for quite some time. I am so glad I picked this one out because it is absolutely gorgeous. There is a scattered holo in this baby and it is just gorgeous! I really really really want to matte this one out and I will try to incorporate this into some other art soon with a matte on it!! You can see the slight shimmer in this picture, but it was so hard to pick up on a photograph.  As you can see, this would be beautiful undies for many glitter toppers or on its own.  Pretty & Polished- Periwinkle Twinkle