Summer Goals by Color Me So Crazy

Over the last month, I have been doing a lot of thinking about my goals this summer. Not only for me as a blogger, but me as a person. I have been really struggling personally and professionally lately and I think it's about time that I find out what I really want. I am such a people pleaser that I think it finally has taken it's toll on me. 
At home, I have been dealing with just a lot of changes. My kids are getting older. I don't have any babies anymore. I have a school aged child and a middle schooler. With all the crazy stuff going on in the world, it's even scarier being a parent. I just worry about the things my kids have to see and do compared to my; life growing up. I have always been the type of person that worries about everything. I think it has finally caught up with me.  I am more stressed than I have ever been and more worried about things I can't change.  So, to make myself even more crazy...I am trying to make some summer goals. Actually, I am kind of hoping this will keep me on track and hopefully reducing my stress and getting it into some kind of order. 
Post relevant, great material. I have been not feeling my content over the last couple of months. I am sick of putting stuff up just to have a post every day. My blogging goal is to provide great content. I am starting to put more than beauty content on the blog, so I want to make sure it's awesome stuff. Great pictures and really well thought about posts. 
I am so stuck on what to do with my son. He is going to be 12 and too old for day care. My husband and I both work full time. What to do with a 12 year old all day, 5 days a week? If you have any suggestions, please comment below. So far, I have him volunteering in my old department at my company 3 days a week and my husband will have to chill with him the other 2 days. Meh, but it's all I got. I am pretty desperate. I also have a 6 year old; she will be in day care. So, there goes all my money yet another summer!!
I spent the last couple of months losing weight. I got really serious when I joined a weight loss group because I wanted to be held accountable to shake off those last couple of goal pounds. Now that I am oh so close to my goal weight, I want to bulk up. Well, more like tone up. I am going to be talking a lot about this on here during the summer, so stay tuned! 
We want to camp! We recently started doing more vacations because, well, life is too short to work yourself to death. This summer, we are going to explore the great outdoors more. We all enjoy the outdoors, so camping is so perfect for us. I am not sure sure we are ready for the leap to tent camping, but cabins will be the key this summer. 
My husband and I are throwing around the idea of moving. This will be summer of upgrades. We started a plan and hopefully will be executing. The kitchen needs new cabinets, new countertop and new paint. We also need a new stove and dishwasher, but those are wish list items. Our basement is in the process of being redone to add a game room and we will be enclosing our garage for a workspace. We will be enclosing our little balcony outside of the master bedroom to create an office/ storage space. We will be updating pretty much each room with paint and new furniture. My sons room will also be getting a facelift for his birthday to match his tween needs. 
Between daycare, house updates and some things my car needs, this is going to be tricky. My goal is to bank a couple thousand dollars over the summer. This is usually the opposite for me. I try to bank during the school year so we have money to spend this summer, but this year I failed. 

So, there you have it. My summer goals. It seems like a lot, but it will keep us on track and most of it I do already. I would love to hear about any goals you have for this summer or any suggestions you may have for mine! 


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