A Little Post Valentine's Day Love with Zoya

**Press Samples**
I know I'm a little late with this post but I love Valentine's Day designs so much that I did a couple extra and I don't want them to go to waste. 
I chopped my poor ring finger recently so hopefully that grows back soon, too!!  I used some super cute colors and textures to create this design. I also did a fun tutorial on Snapchat for this design. If you follow me, you got to see a really quick, how to stamp tutorial (but with a different plate).
I really like the way this turned out and I think the colors make it look super soft and really lovable. I haven't been about the red this year but all about the pinks and purples. I used the Pueen Love Elements 34-37 plate for this look.
 Colors Used:
Zoya- Sue
Zoya- Nana

What do you think about this design? Is is something you would wear for Valentine's Day? How about just a regular day?


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