Orly and Max Factor Makes a Pretty....
**Bought It**
I was looking for a palette cleanser and yet something still kind of up my ally of fancy. I cleanse but I still need some sass. I was digging through my stash, all while grumbling that I need to do a donation box STAT because there is toooooo much!
I found this champagne beauty. You all know I have been loving all over the golden side of the spectrum lately so naturally, I went over to this shade. I have not purchased or wanted to purchase an Orly in such a long time. I just haven't seen a shade or collection that has "wowed" me.
Of course, since this wasn't enough and that pretty little bottle of Fantasy Fire was staring at me, I had to top it.
I swear that you can top pretty much any polish with Fantasy Fire and it makes it 97 times sexier. It was the original multichrome and everyone loves multichromes. Well, at least I still do. I can never get enough of color shifting especially when I'm bored. Just look at the color shift in your nails in different lighting :)
Anyway, I'm lucky to have this little bottle and it was actually gifted to me by a good fellow blogger friend of mine- Stephanie from A Little Polish. It's pretty HTF because it's a great dupe for Clarins 230. I only used 2 coats of FF because I wanted to keep this look light.
What do you think of Fantasy Fire? Have you ever heard of it? Do you own it?
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)