Nail Butter: Goody Goodness for My Nails
**Press Sample**
My nails have been a total wreck lately. Mostly due to the fact that I have been totally stressed out. I had such beautiful long nails and then *plop*... I got a new job, had a second child, became the matron of honor in my baby sisters wedding, was diagnosed with chronic migraines and about 98 gazillion other things started to pile on. My nails and cuticle health really did start to suffer. Between the crazy medications for my migraines and the constant stress of everything else, my nails and cuticles were peeling and breaking.
I have been using Nail Butter for about 30 days now. I have noticed that my nails are stronger. I had to chop them all down to nubs but this time, they are all growing back stronger, even and without ridges. I must admit that I was quite skeptical when I started using this because I literally have tried everything but this really does work.

Nail Butter smells very lemony and clean. I love lemongrass scent. It is one of my favorites so that is a reason why I don't mind slathering up two times a day. I keep it right next to my little blogging station so I put it one when I am sitting here typing. It is quite heavy and oily which I like in a nail and cuticle oil. I just let it sit there until it seeps in.
This is made with Lanolin, beeswax, aloe vera extract, grapeseed oil, gardenia oil, oil of mustard and natural emulsifiers to mix it all together. Everything is all natural and is free from Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, Artificial dyes and Fragrances.
If this sounds like something you would love as much as I do, you can pick up your own jar HERE for $24. It comes in Lemongrass and Gardenia.
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)