RedCoatTuesday Pretty Little Count Down
After tonight the only thing standing between me and A is nothing!! Do you think we will really find out? Probably not, but I'm still going to watch. So, this is going to be a quick synopsis because there really isn't anything new, new going on. Just a lot of build up and a lot of DRAMZ!!
Wrap up:
Hannah and Ali are in jail together- oh so cute. Well they talk while they do laundry and find out that Ali and A used to by buddies via text. Ali thinks A may have been MONA!! Hmmmmm!
Jason takes the stand and bites the dust. He admits to getting dirty with Mrs. Marin and just about everything else. Mrs. Marin says bye bye to Pastor Ted because she's BUSTED (well she says she feels bad). Little Liars everywhere! Andrew is creeping everyone out and creeping in everyone's business. What is his deal?
What I want to know:
Is Ali going to get the book thrown at her for Mona's murder?? You know how I feel about the whole Mona being dead thing, but I can't wait to find out what the big twist is to pull Ali out of this mess!!
What does this mean ---> "Chandelier's rituals. Sister launched lair. A ruler's list chained"?
Who is shredding all of Varjack's information? Could it be Mona? Ohhh the original A!!
Varjack=Vanderwaal?? Humpf
So who is A this time? Is there a clan of As or do you think there is just 1?
Until Next Week.....
Colors Used:
Zoya- Carmen
Rica- Blackout
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)