#RedCoatTuesday for Pretty Little Liars
Today I am bringing you my ultra favorite red lippy for my Red Coat Tuesday. This is from Rimmel London and it is a glossy red lip.
It comes with an easy to use doe-footed applicator which makes for a great guide for this bright red color. A nice precise line is the best way to put on a potential messy color.
On to those little liArs!! So, what happened last week??So, we still didn't find out who/what was in the barrel. This will still be in my what I need to know list. Speaking of the barrel, Hannah and Caleb, got busted when they were leaving the storage unit and I have a feeling it's not going to turn out well for them.
The Ice Cream Factory. I need to know more about this, but wow! What the heck happened there. How did they end up there. Why the Ice Cream factory??
Toby. I don't know how to feel about Toby. Part of me feels bad for him because he has a job to do and Spence is putting him in a bad position but the other part makes me feel like he's an ass for being a bad boyfriend to Spencer when she needs him.
Emily has a new boo!!!
What I need to know:
Again, What's in the dang barrel?
What's going to happen to Hannah and Caleb for their sneakiness?
Are Spencer and Toby going to break up?
Why was the laptop at the Ice Cream Factory?
Who tipped the cops off to the storage unit? The same person who moved the laptop?
Who's fingerprints are those at the end? Are they As or are they Hannah's or a different liar?
Colors Used:
Rimmel London- Big Bang
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)