Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping

**Nothing to Disclose**
Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping, just rica, just rica squishy, summer stamping, luau nails
Ok since all of us on the East Coast are covered in A LOT of snow right now I'm going to go ahead and say that I am missing the warm weather. I love Pittsburgh, but I also love the sun. So I did some Luau stamping to warm my soul.
Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping, just rica, just rica squishy, summer stamping, luau nails
I got my Rica Squishy collection a while back and I have been using them more and more because one of my resolutions this year was to practice my stamping skills more. While I have a ways to go, I think I have been improving. Experimenting is what will help me improve, so onward!
Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping, just rica, just rica squishy, summer stamping, luau nails
Overall, I think this came out pretty well. I was going to originally go with a white base, but again experimenting... Experimenting is the name of the game. I really like the negative space and nude background. It's the whole au naturel look. Ya dig? ha
Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping, just rica, just rica squishy, summer stamping, luau nails
Colors Used:
JustRica- Squishy Grape
JustRica- Squishy Lime
JustRica- Squishy Plum
JustRica- Squishy Blueberry
JustRica- Squishy Lemon
Missing the Summer with Negative Space Luau Stamping, just rica, just rica squishy, summer stamping, luau nails


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