Red Coat Tuesday

So.... what did everyone think of the premiere?? I think it was kind of blah until the end... Like OMG!! I knew that girl was up to no good. Shana always seemed so damn shady and now it's confirmed that she is shady. 

I still want to know what Melissa told her dad at the police station at the end of last season. I also want to know if CeCe really got on the plane as Vivian Darkbloom. 

Also, Jason?!? What does he have to say about his sister coming back from the dead? Did he know the whole time that she was alive? Like what would you say if you found out the sister you thought was dead was actually alive?? Why didn't Jason ask her questions in the preview. Does he already know about her? Curious!

Episode 2 is called "Whirley Girlie" and I wonder if that has something to do with the playground incident? Are we going to find out what happened? I am excited because the previews show an interaction between Ali and the detective. What is going to happen?? Is she going to tell him the truth? Probably not, she is the original Pretty Little Liar.

I also want to know what the deal with Melissa is? She seemed super weird when she came home and has been super weird since then. She has something to say. She is definitely hiding something. I wonder if she knows why all of a sudden Ali is back

What do you think?? Any theories that you have from last weeks premiere??
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Colors Used:
 Jindie Nails -Blood, Bath and Beyond


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