4th of July Nails KKCenterHk American Nails Decal Review
**Press Samples**
We are getting very close to that time and I wanted to share with you these great water decals I was given to review from KKCenterHk. You can find them here and with the product code of N.NAIL LOVE Apple Flag USA United States Water Decals-WDDK166
I have really been loving the water decals lately. They are like a less permanent stamp!! When you put them on, you can still adjust them. Unlike when you are stamping, you are kind of stuck it is crooked. You can't slide it around to adjust it. With the water decals, you are able to line them up so they look just right.
I picked these just for you patriotic ladies out there. I am going to wear them again for 4th of July, but I just wanted to to get them out early so you can see how cool they are and give you time to order them or maybe something else. If you do decide to order, I am able to offer you a 10% discount code. All you have to do is enter COLORMESOCRAZY in the coupon code box!
They were super easy to apply. Literally you can dip them in a cup of lukewarm water for about 5-10 seconds and then slide them right on your nail. I usually use the leftover water to center them correctly or move them around to fit the nail art look.
Overall, I really like this product. They are easy to use and easy to apply. I didn't have any lifting or peeling after the application at all. There was not color smearing and they did not fade.
Undie Colors Used:
Jindie Nails- Jindiependence
Sinful Colors- Ruby Ruby
Revlon- Royal
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)