Haloweeny Pumkpinweeny
Well, I didn't really do any nail art for this one but starting Monday, it will be full blown tuts or all Halloween art!! For this I just did every other nail with both base colors. I then used the Finger Paints as my accent nails. You all know that I like to switch up my accent nails. I never like to do the traditional so I use different nails than the traditional ring finger accent. I always get nervous using bar glitter, because it usually curls or sticks up or does weird things. This one was not that bad. I had to trim a little around the nail, but it stayed down pretty well. So, enjoy the straight fall gallery.
LA Colors- Force
Cosmetic Arts- Dark Green
Finger Paints- Gourd or Bad?
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Thanks for the encouragement!! It is what makes Color Me So Crazy :)