Missing in Action
Hello Loves! I am so sorry I have been MIA all weekend, but I went to visit my grandmother who is sick in the hospital. She is absolutely my best friend and I have been super sad about this. I wanted you all to know that I didn't forget about you, but she's my world and that comes first. So... I did bring my weekender polish bag though. I asked my mom which colors she wanted me to bring and she said something springy and sassy...

Of course I brought all the usuals. I thought my mom would like the Revlon jelly collection, so that came with me. I also brought my NailNation 3000- Eye of Newt for my own nails.
While I was home, I collect a Funky Fingers and a Sinful Colors from her- you can see them in the upper left corner. I also brought Q-tips, cotton balls, Out the Door, Seche base, and a regular top coat (for my mom). She doesn't like the quick dry for some reason unbeknownst to me.
When I got home, I found my March Glossybox...meh
and my winnings from Pinked Polish!! This made my day a little better!!

So, I did not forget about you all and I really needed this time with my Gram. I appreciate all of your kind words and prayers and please keep them coming.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother...hope she's better soon :)