Part 1 of my Winnings- Blue Eyed Girl Lacquer

Ok so it seems that I give giveaways in bunches of every couple months. Sweet, I say! So I won 2 and I really want to show case these babies because I got some really good polishes! First, my minis from Blue Eyed Girl Lacquer! I love the pastels that are hawt for this spring and apparently so does Blue Eyed Girl! In these pictures, I have Rescue Me and Easy to Love. I am in loooove with Easy to Love because it is in my purple realm and its a shiny shiny holo! Super cute for spring, but of course I couldn't wait until then!! So here's part 1 of, I don't know, maybe 4 of my winnings gallery! Enjoy

Rescue Me- Blue Eyed Girl Lacquer
Easy to Love- Blue Eyed Girl Lacquer


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