Let it Snow! Challenge- Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice. Winter Solstice. WINTER SOLSTICE?!?!? What the hay do I do for winter solstice? Well a good search was umm...0 help. The other ladies in the group had some awesome art and all of my ideas fell along the same lines. I really enjoy art, hand drawn art as opposed to stamping, that is. So I really wanted to do an ornate moon face or something really fantastic, but (my downfall, ALWAYS) I procrastinated. I have also been sick all week, so my creativity has dwindled significantly as well. I ended up just doing a gradient blue shimmer with a little glitter "solstice moon" on my thumb, index and middle finger. Meh- is my feeling on the relevance to the challenge, but I really am digging my gradient job. It took me several coats and dry brush strokes to get the best gradient look, but then again it always takes me a little longer. I have also started really moisturizing my cuticles, so I hope you are starting to notice a difference. I also did a little final experiment with my backgrounds as well. I decided I should stick with a darker background since my skin is so pasty white, it makes it look darker and the lighting, I think is better. Any thoughts?? Well without further ado- Winter Solstice

Orly- Stone Cold
Essie- Smooth Sailing
Sinful Colors- Cinderella
Color Club- Fine Silver


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