Sinful Colors Magnetic

So I wanted to try Sinful Colors Magnetic polish because it was reasonably priced at Target and I really liked the color. I ended up purchasing "Polar Opposites". The directions say put one coat on, let dry, add another coat and then use the magnet ring provided for 15-20 seconds to get starlike effect. Well a couple tips I learned during this experience. I had to do several coats because you have to use the magnet pretty much immediately after you put on the polish. Now, I have used magnetic polish before with my good friend Stephanie (over at and I don't remember having that panicked feeling to hurry and get the magnet over my finger. In this case, I did!!! Ahhhh the anxiety.. Haha! Anyway, the second realization is that there are apparently different magnetic patterns available. This polish has a starlike effect. The one I used with Stephanie was a wavelike effect. So when I purchase my next magnetic, I will be sure to pay attention to this. This leads into my last finding. Once you place the magnet, at least in the starlike magnet, DO NOT MOVE IT!! Moving the magnet during the "magnetizing" will cause your effect pattern to distort. You will see on some of my pictures that this is the case. I did not fix them because at that point I had already done at least 3 coats because I wasn't quick enough getting the magnet on after applying... So, the moral is.... I need to pop a Xanax next time I do a magnetic!! Maybe it was the brand? Or the effect pattern? Or that it is midnight and I am just getting over a week long flu?? Whatever the case, I am willing to give it another go some time in the near future.


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